Good is the Enemy of Great Bracelet
Concept: The phrase good is the enemy of great is a concept that encourages one to never settle for average or just good enough but rather to push toward excellence and greatness.
Many people have bold aspirations and dreams, but they end up settling for good instead of great for a variety of reasons.
Unfortunately, good gives us a false sense of security. We feel OK because whilst we may not have reached our potential, at least we’re not bad or worse off than the person next to us.
We can do good work on auto-pilot, but great work takes initiative, creativity, passion and courage.
That’s why good is the enemy of great. It’s because it seduces us into thinking that we don’t really need to try. You’re not that bad, so why bother?
Greatness changes the world, while just settling for good or average merely treads water.
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